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Report a Problem

If none of this is helping or something important is missing, please let us know! You can contact the development team as follows:

  • Leave a comment on CurseForge: Please note that sometimes Curse doesn't send notifications and we can't fix this
  • Comment or open a ticket on WowAce: The same notification issue exists here, unfortunately, so we might miss it
  • Post a message in the Rarity Discord: Please make sure to use the appropriate channels or your message may be deleted
  • Open an issue on GitHub: This is the prefered way of tracking bugs and feature requests, but for questions we recommend Discord

You should carefully read the FAQ before posting, as your question might already be answered there. See also: Known Issues


Please refrain from sending personal messages to individual team members, and use the public channels instead! This way, you allow everyone to benefit and others can pitch in to assist you, which means you're likely to get a better response faster.

Finally, you must provide actionable information as part of your report, or we simply won't be able to help you. Actionable means that we can either immediately see the cause of the issue, or reproduce it with relatively little effort in order to find the problem.

Examples for reports that developers can work with:

  • When doing X, Y isn't working and I get an error (include the error message)
  • After upgrading to version X, some thing Y is no longer working (include the current and last working version)
  • Attempts for X item aren't counted and here's a relevant debug log (include screenshots of the log)

It's recommended to enable /rarity debug in advance (if you anticipate it happening again), or type /rarity dump immediately after encountering the issue in order to get a debug log to include with your report.